You should always follow our brand guidelines that you can find further below when using our logo and products.
Find out below how you can use the Aphix logo so it's in line with our logo usage guidelines.
Find below our brand colour codes.
Pantone: Black 6
RGB: 31, 27, 55
CMYK: 43, 50, 0, 78
HSB: 249, 51, 22
HEX: #1f1b37
Pantone: 3258
RGB: 67, 179, 158
CMYK: 62, 0, 11, 29
HSB: 169, 63, 70
HEX: #43b39e
Pantone: 226
RGB: 212, 2, 110
CMYK: 0, 99, 48, 17
HSB: 329, 99, 83
HEX: #d4026e
Pantone: 258
RGB: 145, 86, 158
CMYK: 8, 45, 0, 38
HSB: 289, 46, 62
HEX: #91569e
Pantone: 3005
RGB: 16, 128, 196
CMYK: 91, 34, 0, 23
HSB: 203, 92, 77
HEX: #1080c4