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5 Benefits of D2C eCommerce

Selling directly to end-consumers has never been easier for manufacturers. With a D2C eCommerce platform, your company can quickly and easily start selling smarter online.

Alex E. Pjetra (Product Marketing Executive) Written by Alex E. Pjetra (Product Marketing Executive) 9 Jun 2020 in B2B eCommerce

So, you’re a manufacturer or producer that’s looking to expand and transform your business model?

You’ve probably heard the term D2C eCommerce but you’re not too sure how your business can benefit from it, right?

If you’re just starting to gather information on D2C eCommerce now, trying to reinforce what you already know or looking for a D2C eCommerce solution that will get you started, then this blog will help you get started.

There’s no doubt that every business model brings its own uniques benefits and challenges.

In this blog, we’re going to explore the real benefits of D2C eCommerce for manufacturers and producers.

At a high level, these are the 5 main benefits of a direct-to-consumer business model.

  1. Increased Sales
  2. Improved Brand Awareness
  3. Targeting Data
  4. Testing New Products
  5. Providing Omnichannel Experience

Read on, as we add some meat to the bones and delve into the detail a little further.

5 Benefits of D2C eCommerce

  1. Increased Sales

    Without a doubt, being able to sell directly to your end-consumers is by far the greatest benefit of D2C eCommerce.

    Having your own D2C eCommerce adds another channel through which you can make more revenue without relying on your resellers.

    This doesn’t necessarily mean that you should stop selling to other businesses though. It just means that you can just cross-sell and upsell to business and consumers alike.

    You can have the best of both worlds and decide if you want to focus more resources on other projects you wish to invest in.

  2. Improved Brand Awareness

    One of the main benefits of having your own D2C eCommerce strategy is that your manufacturing business can get more control of your sales and marketing activities.

    Unlike the traditional retailer business model where a manufacturer has very little control over how their products are being promoted or when their products are being sold by retailers, with a D2C eCommerce strategy you can gain control over your company’s brand awareness.

    This allows your manufacturing company to be directly involved in how and where you wish to market your products and be directly in contact with the end-consumer as they will be buying directly from your D2C eCommerce store.

    It will allow you to improve your company’s brand and give you the chance to control the overall customer experience from research to purchase.

  3. Gather Targeted Data

    The D2C model allows you to control every step of the sales cycle, and more specifically every step from production to distribution.

    As part of your strategy, you will be able to gather a huge amount of data about your customers by monitoring your D2C eCommerce platform using various tools such as Google Analytics, Hotjar, and others.

    As a result, you will be able to understand how your customers interact with your business and act accordingly as opposed to selling via 3rd party websites where you have no access to their data and may not even know if they like your products or not.

    This leads us to our next benefit which hugely depends on the data you gather.

  4. Testing New Products

    In many cases, manufacturers want to launch a new product but they may not have enough data to go on about what their consumers want and need.

    Having implemented D2C eCommerce means that your company has gathered a lot of customer data that is totally yours and very accurate since you are the one gathering it from your own eCommerce store.

    With all this rich data, you can launch new products more often without having to wonder whether they will be a success or not.

    Numbers don’t lie, and you can rely on your own qualitative data with certainty. You can even ask your own customers about their needs directly by using different marketing approaches.

  5. Provide Omnichannel Experience

    Being a manufacturer was ever only about producing products up to recently. However, things have now changed with the D2C business model for the better.

    Manufacturers can now have a lot more control over all their activities, from manufacturing and packaging to marketing and selling.

    This allows them to create an omnichannel experience for their customers that can really depend on their efforts and theirs alone.

    Your manufacturing business can choose to sell via your 3rd party resellers or by yourselves, using your own direct-to-consumer eCommerce, marketing and sales strategies.

    By marketing your products independently, you can provide an omnichannel experience to your customers that shapes their view of your business and products in a way that benefits both you and your customers.


For anyone in the manufacturing/producing business looking to improve sales and revenue, a D2C eCommerce is the way to go, especially at times like this.

D2C eCommerce along with a solid D2C marketing strategy can transform your manufacturing business into a money-making machine by allowing you to quickly sell to end-consumers directly.

The need for a middleman will be long gone and your sales and profits will start skyrocketing.

That, however, doesn’t mean that you should stop selling to other businesses.

It means that you will add another sales channel through which you can increase sales and revenue as well as improve your brand reputation.

So, in case you are looking for a D2C eCommerce solution and want to get started as soon as possible, you should check out the Aphix D2C eCommerce which has been designed and built with the whole online selling process in mind and checks all of the boxes from your D2C checklist.

If you wish, you can also book a quick demo and see live how our ERP integrated solution can help your company adopt the D2C business model and start selling smarter.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us and a member of our team will be more than happy to help.