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Aphix Customer Success Webinar #5 | Onboarding Customers to WebShop

Wednesday, May 31st, 2023 at 11:00 AM GMT

Alisha Dixon (Marketing Executive) Written by Alisha Dixon (Marketing Executive) 27 May 2023 in Events

This is the fifth in a series of Webinars that our Customer Success Team will be rolling out to you on a monthly basis throughout 2023 and beyond.

Our Customer Success team has taken some feedback from you our brilliant customers!

We’ve noticed that whether having moved from a previous eCommerce solution or if you are new to eCommerce it can be a challenge onboarding customers.

This Webinar will look at tools that can be utilized and tips and tricks to get the most out of onboarding or self-servicing customers on mass without manual intervention on your part, saving time and fast-tracking customers onboard to start sending orders.

Join Chris on Wednesday 31st May at 11:00 AM GMT where they will showcase some practical ways to onboard and self-register customers.

In this short session we will demonstrate:

  • Using the Auto Registration Feature
  • Creating mass logins for B2B merchants
  • Creating Forms for B2B Registration
  • Suggested methods for delivering new website emails to aid in mass Login Migration